Indy Rain Gardens

Many homes in the Fall Creek Watershed are prone to stormwater issues. The Indy Rain Gardens project will be a demonstration of on-site stormwater management.

Delaware Project Rain Gardens Installation

About the Project

Our final project for Phase 1 of the Urban Patch for 2012 is the installation of one of our Indy Rain Gardens, located at the Delaware Project in Historic Meridian Park.  The lot is located at the bottom of a hill and takes on a lot of stormwater runoff from the roof of the house, and also from the adjacent lot.  This has caused problems over time at the building’s foundations.

With consultation from Leslie White, Backyard Conservation Coordinator at the Fall Creek Watershed Partnership, we created a plan for three rain gardens on the Delaware lot that will allow for stormwater to be diverted to rain gardens on-site.  The project will serve as a demonstration as to how rain gardens can be utilized on a typical Indianapolis urban residential lot.

What is a rain garden?

The purpose of a rain garden is to use natural systems to improve water quality in the watershed and nearby bodies of water.  A rain garden is a planted depression that allows water runoff from impervious surfaces like roofs, driveways, walkways, parking lots, and compacted lawns the opportunity to be filtered and absorbed into the ground.  This reduces the negative impacts of stormwater runoff by creating a designated area on-site where the stormwater can soak into the ground over time.

What is a watershed?

A watershed is the area that drains to a common waterway, such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland, aquifer, or even the ocean.  Our actions in every yard and lot within its boundaries can directly affect its health.  Stormwater runoff can contribute to problems like erosion, water pollution and flooding in basements, yards, streets and rivers, among other environmental issues in the Fall Creek Watershed community.

Why have a rain garden?

Rain gardens help to manage storm water by directing water away from building foundations and basements; they enhance the beauty of yards and neighborhoods, and when combined with other yard conservation methods such as native planting, can provide more naturalized areas on a lot, deducing time and cost needed for maintenance, helping homeowners as well as the environment.

How do I make my own rain garden?

The Fall Creek Watershed Partnership has a handy rain garden booklet you can use to get started, or contact Leslie White for a detailed consultation.