We happy to announce that we have closed on the purchase of a Renew Indianapolis (Indy Land Bank) building and lot on 30th Street and Broadway in our Mapleton Fall Creek community, just one block away from our existing Park Garden. We will renovate the building and use a portion of the vacant lot as a natural permaculture garden, the Broadway Garden. We also plan to have an interim art project at the site during construction.
Our project had the support of both the MFCDC and the Mapleton Fall Creek Neighborhood Association, and we are looking forward to making this little corner of our city better! The property needs significant renovations, but we will begin working on the project later this year. And yes, we will be planting REDBUDS on the lot this spring!
Conquer your dream community one house at a time. Your desire for a better Indy has been the lifeblood and JumpStart this neighborhood needs to return to its former glory days.
God bless the Moore’s and your efforts!